Bus Routes

Bus Stops and Routes

Routing information is posted in Skyward to all eligible families prior to the start of school.

  • All students should be at their assigned stop a minimum of 5 minutes before their scheduled pick up time.
  • Buses are not to leave a stop location ahead of schedule, however they are to depart after they load the students on time.
  • Buses do not wait at neighborhood stops for students that are not at their designated stop at the designated stop time.
  • Bus schedules allow 2 minutes for a child in a car seat, booster seat or safety vest; and 5 minutes for a child in a wheelchair.

Route names/numbers are displayed in the window of each bus. Children should identify their bus by the route name/number in the window, not the bus number. Drivers will not return to stops or schools for children that have missed their bus. Transportation to/from schools for children that have missed their bus becomes the parent/guardian’s responsibility.

Bus schedules are always subject to change. Families are encouraged to check Skyward occasionally for up to date information. Skyward is updated daily.

Riding a different bus

Students are not allowed to ride another bus other than the one which they are assigned to. We will allow a child to be dropped off at a different existing stop location on the child’s regular assigned bus with a note from the parent, signed and approved by the building principal.

New Students/Address Change

Address information is maintained by the District Registrar. Please inform the Registrar's office if your address has changed at [email protected].

There is a 3-5 day policy for address changes to allow First Student time to process the change(s). Please let us know of any changes as soon as possible.


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